Ultimate Iron Man
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A four-part documentary that covers several film-critical elements in greater detail. First is Rebuilding the Suit (29:14), a piece that features cast and crew speaking on the rebirth of the series for this second installment. The…

Year 2010
ReleaseDate 2010-09-28
RuntimeMins 86
RuntimeStr 1h 26min
Plot A four-part documentary that covers several film-critical elements in greater detail. First is Rebuilding the Suit (29:14), a piece that features cast and crew speaking on the rebirth of the series for this second installment. The…
Writers Adam Gallagher
Stars Jon Favreau, Justin Theroux, Kevin Feige
Produced by Brad Baruh,Andy Meyers,Brad Winderbaum
Film Editing by Adam Gallagher
Genres Documentary
Countries USA
Languages English
ImDbRating 7.2
ImDbRatingVotes 28
Keywords superhero,marvel comics,making of,dvd extra