The Mermaid’s Curse
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A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.

Year 2019
ReleaseDate 2019-12-16
RuntimeMins 89
RuntimeStr 1h 29min
Plot A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
Directors Louisa Warren
Writers Tyler-James
Stars Rebecca Finch, Tom Hendryk, Tony Manders
Produced by Scott Jeffrey, Steven M. Smith, Louisa Warren
Music by Aaron Strefford
Cinematography by Ash Lang Wen Li
Sound Department Joe Vince
Editorial Department Gabriel Hunt
Genres Drama, Horror
Companies ChampDog Films
ImDbRating 4.2
ImDbRatingVotes 183
Keywords love